Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 18 & 19


Now if we decided to go job searching everyday that would be no fun, AND we would miss out on all of the beautiful places around us! So, we spent Monday at the beach. The end.


No crazy adventures today, but, today was a good day! It's always a good day when you find money on the ground! Yes, thats right, so much for a job I find money on the streets of Honolulu! Just kidding, we are still looking for jobs. This morning we met with another lady that Wendy AKA Lindsey had found to baby sit for, and hmm, I think we'll just leave it at that. 

We applied for a job at Quicksilver and we have an INTERVIEW tomorrow!!! Keep us in your prayers because we also have a second interview tomorrow so that makes 2 in one day. Other than that, we didn't do too much, but we did spend our first 4 hours apart since the past 2 weeks! I have been so blessed to have met an awesome lady with a son, Sean, and I got to babysit him tonight. It was fun, but I missed Wendy as she went exploring without me!

Random fact of the day:

If you are ever in Hawaii and someone asks you if you "burn" they are NOT talking about a sunburn. Let's just say they are referring to another activity commonly referred to as well...smoking...weed. Now you all are prepared, just say NO!

1 comment:

  1. Julia and Lindsey, I LOVE your blog! It is funny and informative! Wow you all working hard for a job! We are waiting on the good news of employment and feel it will be soon. Have fun and stay safe! Love, Mom
    P.S. I don't burn...
